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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOPA And E-Parasite Acts

Two US congress bills, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the E-Parasite Act, threaten the internet as 

you know it. 

Today, you may have noticed that numerous cites, even Wikipedia, have been "censored" for the day or that 

the Google logo was replaced/covered by a black bar (ie censored). This was/is their form of protesting these

2 acts. 

The SOPA and E-Parasite acts could ruin the internet as we know it. 

Currently, if a company makes a copyright claim against any content on a site like Youtube, the site has a 

period of time to remove the content. This allows the site to deal with the claim while remaining operative/not 

shutting down. 

Under the new acts (if they pass), as soon as a single company makes a claim against content on a website, 

THE ENTIRE WEBSITE IS BLOCKED. All it takes is one claim for an entire website to be shut down until 

the issue is resolved.

This would ruin numerous content sharing websites such as Youtube, Daily Motion, and countless others as 

one complaint, among the thousands of hours of video and other content (pictures, comments, links, etc.) 

added everyday, would shut the site down. 

In addition, the fines proposed in the bill are completely ridiculous. Depending on the situation, someone could

be fined thousands of dollars FOR EVERY PERSON THAT VIEWS THE CONTENT. 

For these reasons, it is no surprise there has been a lot of opposition to the bill. 

Companies due have the right to have their content protected from piracy and illegal sharing (they do need to

make money and illegal sharing hurts them in this regard), but these two acts go way too far in the ease in the

number of people it would affect (from one "pirated" piece of content among thousands of non piratedcontent 

pieces) and the degree of the punishment. 

SOPA and the E-parasite act must be stopped.

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