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Monday, January 2, 2012

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protcol Review

This latest installment of the Mission Impossible series, "Ghost Protocol" is a fast paced, riveting action movie that does not disappoint. The exciting, heart-pounding experience is contributed to by the new IMAX screen/experience (which I will discuss further in a later post)which was recently added to my preferred theater.

Ghost Protocol takes you on a roller coaster ride as Ethan Hunt and 3 other IMF agents/members, who are now all that is left of the IMF (the reason for this is revealed early in the movie), must stop a Russian terrorist hell-bent on starting an all-out nuclear war between Russia and the United States.

Ethan's three "partners" include Jane Carter (Paula Patton), a fellow IMF agent whose friend (also an agent) is killed at the start of the movie, as well as Benji Dunn (Simon Pegg), a computer/technology expert, and William Brandt(Jeremy Renner), an IMF analyst. These 3 actors, as well as Tom Cruise, all put in brilliant performances. Simon Pegg in particular is notable as adding a degree of comic relief to the film.

Ghost Protocol begins immediately with thrilling, exciting action and does not let up until the very end. Among the notable scenes are the opening scene (where Jane's friend/partner is killed), the prison break-out, the Kremlin, the Burj Khalifa, and a fight scene in a strange "parking lot" where cars are moved in every direction by automated elevators (moving platforms).

By far, the most thrilling scene in the movie is the scene on the Burj Khalifa - the world's tallest building. I won't go into to much detail, but the scene involves Ethan Hunt climbing up over 10 stories of the building starting over half way up it - high enough to make other skyscrapers look tiny - using only gloves which stick to a surface when it makes contact with it (the strength of the suction is displayed by several green bars that fade off one by one as the suction decreases - which it does frequently - and eventually turn red, disabling the glove) and which are quite unreliable (Benji explains that if the light on the glove is green its good, but  means you are "dead"). The most astonishing thing about this heart-pounding scene (even more intense and exciting in IMAX), which was actually filmed where it is portrayed on the tower, is that Tom Cruise chose to do the stunt himself. Just look at this video and you will understand why this is so shocking. Note at just over 50 seconds in where he (Tom Cruise) jumps out a window and literally runs down the side of the building.

The almost constant action, punctuated by occasional bits of comic relief, keeps you constantly on the edge of your seat.The well-designed (albeit somewhat unrealistic) plot, with numerous twists and turns, further contributes to this effect.

The overall experience is also greatly contributed to by the excellent music as well as the masterful cinematography. It also benefits from the, previously noted, outstanding performances of the actors and actresses and the entertaining plot.

Ghost Protocol delivers an exciting, entertaining experience which is sure to entertain audiences and satisfy fans of the series. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to head out to your local theater and watch Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol (in IMAX if possible - its worth the extra few bucks).

Ghost Protocol gets 9/10.

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