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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Libya is out of the news

Well it appears that no major news channel cares about the situation in Libya any more. God forbid anything should take away even seconds of the coverage of the Royal Wedding. After all the "Wedding of the Century" is far more important than Canadian, British, and French (and all other countries involved whom I do not have room to add) soldiers who are taking part in military action in a full scale revolution in an oil rich country in/near one of the most unstable areas in the world (Middle East). Now if I want updates on the situation I have to go to the timeline of the 2011 Libyan Civil War page on Wikipedia. It's not like there's nothing significant going on in Libya at the moment either. Like, I think some people may be interested in the fact that over 1000 European Union ground soldiers are being prepared in case their plans for a ground operation are approved (which very well may be). Maybe people might also want to know that Ghaddafi's snipers are deliberately targeting young children in the streets in the besieged city of Misurata which has been cut off from supplies and has had raw sewage dumped into its drinking water system. The point is that major news outlets should not stop covering a major international event just because it is "old news". People need and want to get accurate information on important events around the world, especially on events that involve their country (ex. me in Canada).

Since the major news outlets are not going to do it, here's a basic update on events in the Libyan Revolution/Civil War:
Rebel forces are currently holding off government troops in their only western city of Misurata (under siege). Everything west of Brega is under firm rebel control including Ajdabiya and the rebel stronghold of Benghazi. Everything west of Brega other than Misurata is under government control including the capital, Tripoli. UN and allies continue to strike government forces across the country.

See you next time on Hayden@Earth.

C# programming Basics part 3 - Adding Forms and the Visibility Property

Sometimes, one form is not sufficient to contain all the things you would like to happen in the program.In this case,you must add another form or forms to the project. To add a form, first right click on the name of the project in the properties window and select add then select new item from the list this displays. Select windows form, name the form, and add it to the project. Next you must allow the form to be displayed through a button press on the first form. Add a button to both forms. Name the button on the first form (I named it bttncontinue) and adjust its text property to something like CONTINUE. Name the button on the second form (I named it bttnclose) and adjust its text property to something like CLOSE or BACK TO MAIN. Now You are ready to program. First, right click on bttncontinue to bring up the code screen. Then, simply enter this code (I chose to name the first form mainform and the second form subform):

subform myNewForm = new subform();
That's all it takes to add a new form in C#.
One very useful tool in C# programming is the ability to make things appear and disappear at the will of the user. If you want something, like a button for example, to be invisible at the beginning of the program, simply go under the section of code "Initialize Component" (after its last closing Bracket but before the first "private void section")and enter this code (assuming the item is named invisibilitycloak:

invisibilitycloak.Visible = false;

To make it reappear at the press of a button, double click on the button and enter the following code (same name):

invisibilitycloak.Visible = true;

That's all I have on this subject.
See you next time on Hayden@Earth

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

C# programming Basics part 2 - Buttons and Textboxes

First, let's make a button display text in a textbox.
1) select the textbox tool on the toolbar and make one on the form.
2) name the textbox txtboxdisplay, or anything else you can remember easily
3) select the button tool on the toolbar and add one to the form.
4) name the button bttndisplay or anything else you can easily remember.
now we can start programming
5) double click on the button, bringing you to the code screen
your programming for the task will go under "private void bttndisplay..." (typing line should start there automatically)
6) First you must tell the computer what you want to happen. In this case, because you want the textbox to display TEXT, you would write
^----(whatever you named the textbox)
7)Next enter the text you want to be displayed.
8) Add a semicolon!!! This must be done to every line of code

The final product is

txtboxdisplay.text = "Nicely Done!!!";

You can also make a message box (like those annoying error messages you get) appear by adding this line of code underneath the first line.

MessageBox.Show ("NICE JOB!!!");

Next time we will look at a very interesting and useful tool in C# programming. No Spoilers...

See you next time on Hayden@Earth

C# programming Basics part 1 - Introduction

Microsoft visual C# Express 2008 is a professional used program used to create computer programs in the C# programming language. C# is quickly becoming one of the most used computer languages. Microsoft Visual C# 2008 is available for free download at microsoft's website (follow link at bottom of post).

After you install the program (may occur on second or third use) you will be prompted to register the program. Simply follow the instructions they give you and you should have no problems.

Once it is installed and registered, you are ready to begin programming. This program will allow you to make form applications and other programs that may be shared with others via the internet.

To get started (assuming you are making a windows form application, the most common and easy to use option) click the new project button in the top left corner of the screen. Select Windows Form App in the options and give a name to the project. A form should be created and displayed on the screen (close the start page to make it visible). Your toolbar is located on the left of the screen. The toolbar allows you to place buttons, textboxes, and essentially anything else displayed on the form. Click the properties button on the top right corner of the screen to display the properties panel. This lets you set the attributes of the item you have selected. These attributes include everything from the text displayed on the object to the size of the object.

The most important thing to remember is that EVERYTHING must have a name used while programming (set by the name control in the properties panel, NOT THE TEXT CONTROL!). You know know the basic essentials used in C# programming. In part 2 we will actually start programming some items.

See you later on Hayden@Earth

10 day movie review challenge UPDATE 2

Due to an unforeseeably hectic schedule, the movie review challenge will be postponed until July 2011.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Halo: Reach Video Game Review

I have been a fan of the Halo series since the very beginning, Halo: Combat Evolved. So what better game to be the subject of my first video game review than the final game in the series (unless/until 343 studios gets its way), Halo: Reach.

After the disappointment of Halo: ODST, I was reluctant to dish out 60 dollars to buy Reach. After finally bringing myself to buy it (about 2 months after the release), I quickly realized that the game was worth every penny.

Firstly, the storyline/campaign of this game is, by far, the deepest and most intense of any game I have ever played. Ever. The story of Noble Team, bolstered by outstanding visual effects and missions as well as solid voice acting, sucks you in and keeps you interested until the end.

Multiplayer, as usual for games of the series, is solid and rich with many different game types. This large selection of game types ensures many hours of fun with friends.

The wide variety of new weapons and equipment, most notably armour abilities (power-ups) add a lot to the experience. The game includes everything from machine guns to rocket launchers and their alien equivalents.

Halo: Reach gets 9 Spartans out of 10.

Mozilla Firefox 4.0

This one is for all the Mozilla Firefox users out there. As you may know from Firefox upgrade prompts, Firefox 4 has been released (*background cheers*). But what has been improved in this new update? If you have asked this question, this article is for you.

The main improvement brought by this upgrade is the speed. When, while conducting the upgrade, the information on the update was displayed (Firefox 4 first run page is similar to that of previous updates) I was doubtful as I read that the speed would be improved. I mean, I had installed multiple Firefox upgrades in the past and there was never much impact on the speed. However, this time there is a significantly noticeable improvement on the speed of the browser. Pages seem to load quite faster than in previous versions of Firefox.

Other than the speed, not much has changed in terms of performance. However, the upgrade does offer a refreshing new page that is simpler to navigate and looks arguably better. The upgrade makes the page feel much more futuristic in style. If you like to personalize your page you will also be glad to know that you can still use personas and other customizing features. Firefox 4 can be downloaded for free (as usual) from Mozilla's website.
Good surfing.
That's all I have for now, see you later on Hayden@Earth.